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God Did Not Create A Fallen World!

Writer: Audra OakesAudra Oakes

All things in nature have a divine purpose and plan. To the wise, the form of a thing offers a clue of its intention. In Genesis chapter one we see the story of creation. It starts with God surveying the earth, after creating the base of heaven and earth as His Spirit hovers over the water. His next actions reveal an intention and plan to make the formless, dark void of the deep something useful, good and life giving, so He speaks. “Let there be light”. (Genesis 1:3)


When light manifests at His word, He sees it is good not because He hasn’t seen light before. He Himself is defined as “light” (1 John 1:5). He sees it is good because the light reveals the potential of what was once deep, dark and formless. It reveals a canvas for one of His greatest works and a conduit through which His loving nature can be expressed.


Where light and darkness are intertwined, He makes a distinction because He is a God of order, not confusion. His creation is not merely a superficial artistic pursuit, but reveals the presence of deep, unfathomable knowledge about the nature of all things, including the true nature of light and darkness. Day and night are born in the natural, signifying solemn spiritual truths.


God then divides the deep waters by a firmament and causes dry land to appear. He separates the dry land from the waters, calling the dry land “Earth” and the gathering of the waters under the firmament “Seas”. Once again God brings order to the Earth for the purpose of life. His intention is clear in the form He is creating. He is preparing a place for the life that is to come.


The Lord causes the grass, herbs, fruits trees and a bountiful variety of plants to grow on the Earth, many bearing within themselves the seed to reproduce themselves. The proverbial question of whether the chicken or the egg comes first is answered. God created life in its prime with the ability to reproduce itself and nurture it’s progeny.


God then creates the sun, moon, and stars within the heavens, the mechanisms to provide light, keep time and reveal seasons on the earth. Their form is glorious to behold and more, their purpose is to maintain order and distinction for all of God’s creation as there is a time and purpose for all things under the heavens. (Ecclesiastes 3:1).


With the Earth formed, the seas gathered and the heavenly bodies keeping time and seasons, God said “Let the waters abound with living creatures and let birds fly above the earth…” He filled the seas with an abundance of living creatures, the sky with birds and winged creatures and blessed them all to fruitfully reproduce. God’s blessing sufficed, yet He had ensured beforehand the conditions, form and structure for life to exist at its peak because life is precious to God.


In the same way, God used His living word to create earth creatures. He spoke all land animals into existence, blessing and commanding them to abundantly multiply and reproduce. He had already provided herbs and fruit for their food. Suddenly God’s language becomes conversational as He addresses another who has been beside Him all along in the creation process. God says, “Let us make man in our own image according to our likeness: let them have dominion over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” (Genesis 1:26).


In John 1:1- 4, Jesus is described as the “God Word” through which everything was made. He is acknowledged as the word of life through which creation and life was produced. A true Christian knows these things. Jesus is the Word. Jesus is God. All things were created through Him and He is the light and life of man. (John 1:1- 4). So, what does this mean in the context of man’s creation? What does this say about our form, structure, purpose and God’s plan for us?


The true and original form of nature is for the benefit of an abundant and fruitful life as intended by God. The life that God gived mankind at creation required no modification in nature to produce and sustain life at its peak because within His design, form and blessing all creation was made whole. There is no lack in God’s work. As He is perfect, so is His work. Mankind was made to be like God not simply in form but in substance. We are made to speak light when there is darkness, order, when there is confusion, life,  when there is death and create from what is unseen in the spiritual realm, what is seen in the natural, through the Living word which is Christ. We are created and formed to overcome!


If you have received and acknowledged Jesus as your saviour, you have not only taken back your place as a child of the living God lost by Adam in Eden but have received from God something more that Adam did not have to guide him. The Holy Spirit. This is the Spirit of truth that guides us to live according to God’s true form, purpose, nature and identity and to overcome this fallen world that is passing away. (For reference, read the book of revelation).


The Bible says that we should live by the Spirit, so we do not gratify or submit to the lusts of flesh. (Galatians 5:16 & Romans 8:13). Jesus sacrificed Himself to redeem us from eternal death which is a consequence of Mankind’s rebellion against God. God wants mankind to once again live according to the image and likeness of His perfection as He intentioned, designed and formed us to live in the beginning. He made a way to save us through God the son, the living word that we were created though. Jesus is the way. (John 14:6).


“He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.” (John 3:36). He who sees and acknowledges the son of God as saviour, receives grace, love, healing, freedom, restoration and much more from God. If you believe, and which to receive Jesus, into your heart and life pray the prayer below.


“Heavenly Father, thank You for Your love for me, for sending Jesus Christ to die on the cross for all my sins. His precious blood washes me clean. You raised Him from the dead. He’s alive today. And I thank You all my sins are forgiven. I’m righteous by the blood. I’m under God’s favor. And I thank You Father that surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life from this day forth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”


Welcome to the Kingdom of God and your new identity as a child of the living God! If you prayed this prayer, please let me know! You can leave a comment below or inbox me on Instagram or Facebook. To find out more about salvation and the next steps visit the link provided for more answers.


May the Lord bless and keep you.





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