Remaining at peace in challenging times demonstrates your faith in God. Your faith in God is not displayed when everything is peaceful and going great but when you are being tested, tried and going through the fire. It is when God’s word of having good thoughts for you does not seem to match your current circumstances. This is when faith can be built or revealed to be lacking in our lives. This is where we as Christians can choose our responses. Faith and peace or fear.
In Jeremiah 29:11 the Lord declares through His prophet that although His people (Israel) are in captivity in Babylon, His thoughts plans towards them are of peace and are good. He juxtaposes “peace”, with “evil” therefore in this context, when we are waiting for the good plans and thoughts of God to manifest and become reality in our lives, we can allow His peace to prevail by actively engaging with His promises by faith, or we can give in to fear, worry and negative emotions.
When we are going through trials, sometimes it is too hard to build our faith however we will demonstrate the level of faith that we already have inside us. Faith can be built in hard and easy times. It can be built on the mountain top or in the valley however your faith is demonstrated and revealed most in the valley and the battle. In the fray. This is when champions are revealed. This is when those who walk by faith and not by sight shine because they have tied their trust to an unseen Word made reality. The word of God. The word that created the universe. The same word that declares, “For I know the thoughts that I think towards you...” (Jeremiah 29:11).
Today I want to encourage you to trust in the Living Word that created heaven and Earth. His name is Jesus. I encourage you to invite Him into your heart as your Saviour, Lord, Master and King and allow Him to shape and mould you. I encourage you to engage with His word, praying to Him for understanding and revelation and I encourage you to remember that word when circumstances appear unfavourable. As believers we know that “all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord” (Romans 8:28), so we do not fall apart when circumstances are bad or give up. We press on. We stand up. We demonstrate our faith in God in the hard times because we trust in God! (Psalm 37).
If you have not invited Jesus into your heart, this is your opportunity. Say the prayer below. Comment, “my faith declares my victory” below and let me know that you have prayed that prayer. I will only send you information that will increase your walk with the Lord.
“Heavenly Father, thank You for Your love for me, for sending Jesus Christ to die on the cross for all my sins. His precious blood washes me clean. You raised Him from the dead. He’s alive today. And I thank You all my sins are forgiven. I’m righteous by the blood. I’m under God’s favour. And I thank You Father that surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life from this day forth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
